Easy to Use - Affordable - Graphic Writing Program!
Improve thinking, reading & writing
skills through creative play! Six Different
Editions! MAC & PC Compatible
Komix is a cool Educational Tool
There isn't anything like this on the market. Kreative Komix puts
the fun back into your creative writing program. Encouraging creativity,
story sequencing, reading, writing and oral language skills.
Powerful and Fun! True Multimedia
Kreative Komix is an easy-to-use, affordable, multimedia program.
A nine year old can learn to make a scene, add text, sound effects
and animation without a manual in an evening.
Kids love Kreative Komix - It's easy to use
We've designed Kreative Komix to be simple enough for young
users to play immediately with little or no help.
Kids Love Kreative Komix - Pro Power
Kreative Komix has features powerful enough to engage the attention
and talent of older kids as well as adults! Professional Screen
Writers have purchased Kreative Komix to use for making story
boards and outlines for creative media products!